
Signature Maker is a useful application to create your own signature in e-mails or business e-cards. It stores all your information as fields in a project file. This feature is helpful in modifying the signature. Signature Maker supports various image types, for example, dib, png, gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp, ico, emf, wmf, etc. This allows users to insert their company logo or any other image. Signature Maker also supports many text effects, such as shadow, gradual, texture, blur, alpha, rotate, noise, spray and outline. Using this tool you can make a beautiful official signature or business e-cards of your own. It allows you to save your name as the author name into the project file. The signature image created by Signature Maker can be used in Mail Express Series software, and it also may be used to generate an HTML code for the signature image with Signature Creator. After downloading the signature template from the signature template center you can create your own signature image by inserting your details.